Best email signature designs of Q2 2021


eKomi email signature


LAB4PAY email signature


e-BMO email signature

SKA Hotels

SKA Hotels email signature


Woop! email signature


Erpium email signature

Let's generate your signature!

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Major email clients

Apple Mail
Yahoo mail
iOS Mail
AOL Mail
Zoho Mail

Do these email signature templates work with my email platform?

It doesn’t matter what email provider you’re using since the templates work with all of them. Adsigner is used by thousands of people with Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail and others.

What are some of the best email signature templates for me?

The best email signature templates have a goal in mind. Here is what you can do with email signatures:

  1. Get the word out about your special offers. Never miss a chance to let your potential customers know about great offers.
  2. Promote your mobile app. Get more users for your app or get them to visit your page in the app store or google play store.
  3. Share case studies and reports. Showcase your customer success stories and the experience to your prospects for easier choice.
  4. Build more trust. Increase credibility by sharing awards, achievements, or certificates.
  5. Get more leads. Add call-to-action buttons for scheduling a demo.
  6. Get more social media views. More exposure to your social media content directly from email.

How do I get a professionally designed email signature template?

Save the time designing your templates in photoshop only to have them break on certain devices or browsers. You can find a perfect email signature template with AdSigner and customize it per your own liking. You will also find your fit out of many different styles.

adsigner template sample
adsigner template sample
adsigner template sample
adsigner template sample
adsigner template sample
adsigner template sample
adsigner template sample
adsigner template sample

What about banners in email signatures?

You can easily add them in where you have the ability to run scheduled marketing campaigns with them. Simply choose banner images and apply. Use it for the whole company, single department or one person. Define start & end dates for the campaign and forget about it.

Customer facing use cases: Sales & Promotions, Digital products, Awards & Nominations, Support & Knowledge Base, Customer testimonials, Blog articles.

Internal use cases: Company News, Job recruitment, Promotion, Announcements, Birthday, Teambuildings, Events.

How will I know if i get any clicks on my banner or signature?

AdSigner analytics tool will help you track the performance of the marketing campaigns you are running. Track the performance of a single banner, campaign, or individual email signature

Department 1
Department 2
Department 3

Can I have different email signatures and manage them all?

Yes, you can manage all email signatures and marketing campaigns from one place. Complete control of email signatures. You can define it by a single email signature or department.

What about security?

Signatures are added on the client-side which means the email content is protected. Cannot be accessed by a 3rd party.

Ready to start?

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