Promote business and scale your brand on a daily basis

Add the trademark of your business to your employee signatures. Photo: iStock

Any successful sales require a genuine and constant care for the brand to appeal to the eyes and hearts of consumers. The mere brand presence is not enough to achieve brand awareness.

The brand needs to be actively present to create good experience and invoke feelings and brand preference, which makes the customer return to the brand (i.e. brand instance).

The brand needs to continuously stand out amongst the competition, which, in the context of advertising, can be a major financial burden.

That is, unless you take advantage of the potential, hidden in your emails.

A company with 50 employees sends about 248,000 emails a year. Are you aware that this can represent just as many unique sales opportunities?

A company with 50 employees sends about 248,000 emails a year. Take advantage of these emails. Photo: iStock

ProTip: The AdSigner makes your work much easier. It does it with thoughtful, professional templates for email signatures that you can customize to your needs or simply create by yourself.

Add the trademark of your business to your employee signatures. Let the scale of your brand be immediately and clearly associated with your name. Support the authenticity of your communication with a personal image, thereby increasing the credibility of all information that your e-signature communicates.

In this perspective, use the space intended for advertising messages as an added value to your sent e‑mail. Design it as an attractive ad banner that represents you and your business endeavours in the best light possible. Let the banner be an elaborate promotion of your business, products and achievements. Let it be seen by all recipients of e-communication sent by you and your employees. Let it happen on a daily basis.

Turn your e-signature into an autograph and sales tool for your company.

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