Enjoy the benefits required by every business free of charge for a period of 14 days

Turn emails into a new advertising potential. With AdSigner. Photo: AdSigner

This means two weeks are on us!

You might think it to be a bold move on our part. But since we truly believe that AdSigner brings the much needed benefits to any business, we would like to give you the chance to thoroughly familiarise yourself with this tool. You can use it for 14-days without any restrictions, completely free of charge.

To get a free trial version, simply sign up and start a free trial which allows you to access unlimited contents and the full AdSigner functionalities. In addition to generating email signatures, the all-in-one platform allows you to create dynamic advertising campaigns.

The free 14-day trial includes:

1. An unlimited number of email advertising campaigns

Add an ad banner to your email signature, advertising with every sent email. Specify the times when your banner ads get changed automatically. Make sure that your sales messages will never end up in a spam folder, but rather automatically, unobtrusively and spontaneously reach all recipients of your daily business e-communication.

2. An unlimited number of free views and clicks on your ad

Advertising space is the most expensive real estate, whether displayed per click, view or activity. Try AdSigner and tap on the daily, unlimited and cost-free targeted advertising for 14 consecutive days.

ProTip: Read more about [Cost-effective daily advertisinghttps://www.adsigner.com/blog/cost-effective-daily-advertising/)

3. An unlimited use of pre-designed email signature templates

Free trial offers you an unlimited use of pre-designed email signature templates. Photo: AdSigner

Choose an appealing template that best suits your needs. Create the same email signatures for all employees in a department or different signatures for each section of the company with no effort.

Do you have multiple logos that you would like to include in your email signature?

Is your title long?

Are you skilled in using social networks and you see them as an important business reference?

Would you like to enhance the authenticity of digital communication with your personal photo?

The diverse selection of templates is constantly being upgraded and expanded according to the users’ needs and requirements.

Create a unique, professional and appealing email signature for a random number of employees fast and from the comfort of your own desk. Photo: iStock

4. An unlimited number of professional email signatures

Create a unique, professional and appealing email signature for a random number of employees fast and from the comfort of your own desk. Ask them to use the signature and make sure that everyone sets it by themselves by using the simple, easy-to-follow instructions for implementing a signature into the selected email client.

The best thing about it is that everything you create during the trial period can be retained after the free 14-day trial. With a minimal monthly investment into the AdSigner Professional Plan subscription you will get an unlimited number of possibilities in daily advertising. This way, you can leave your door to all functionalities of the new advertising channel open at all times.

Check the price list, try AdSigner.

Ready to start?

Try for free


Please drop us a line

If you need any additional information or would like to book an individual demonstration, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@adsigner.com .