How does AdSigner help plants grow happily?

“Here, so your office can be more pleasant and beautiful.” Photo: iStock

Surely, we all have a client we are especially fond of. In our case, this is Nada who owns a flower shop. Actually, she runs a garden centre and a huge tree plantation, to be more precise. Whenever we visit her, she gives us some kind of plant, a blossoming companion for our office. “Here, so your office can be more pleasant and beautiful,” she says.

Nada really values genuine face-to-face communication. When she spoils not only her clients but also her business partners and makes them feel good, she unknowingly follows the saying of a well-known marketing expert and creator Joe Chernov, who says:

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.”

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov. Photo: iStock

However, business management is not her primary passion, much less marketing. “If I have 20 things on my mind, I will put paper work in the 19th place. Only self-promotion would drop lower, i.e. to 20th place,” she often says. As a company that provides comprehensive creative communication solutions to our clients, we assist her in this field. Since we introduced her to the AdSigner, she has been breathing with three lungs, as she says. She makes this joke to illustrate that she can now spend much more time with her plants. Every week, she wants to inform her clients of:

  • the novelties in the garden centre, tree plantation and flower shop,
  • the opportunities and special offers, since sometimes plants have to find a new home fast,
  • the current trends in green spaces design and flower arrangements.

The company receives many online inquiries and has an extensive database of electronic contacts. This is why Nada used to spend much of her evening time writing newsletters. Each week, she would compose, design and send various promotional information to three different interest groups, which was very time consuming. In recent months, however, we have noticed that many newsletter recipients have unsubscribed, which caused a significant open rate drop. We wanted to put an end to this.

AdSigner simplifies your life and creates new selling opportunities with easy-to-use email signature generator. Photo: iStock

AdSigner freed Nada of:

  • doing weekly time-consuming work on the computer as banner replacement becomes automatic and set-up quick and easy,
  • sending tedious advertising e-messages as they became part of an everyday business communication,
  • receiving unsubscriptions and low open rate as we put an end to classic email marketing and raise it to a higher level of genuine business elegance,
  • worrying about maintaining friendly, kind and genuine business contacts that match her character. All these are also the features of AdSigner.

Digital Marketing Communication Assistant of the New Age. Learn more about it now. AdSigner.

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