How to set up an email signature fast and easy

As an IT professional you can take care of the entire optimization and turn every email in daily business communication into a sales opportunity. Photo: iStock

Honestly, some email clients are really not all that user-friendly when it comes to setting up email signatures. This is especially true if our goal is to create an attractive, graphically demanding signature. When you finally get through a number of step-by-step instructions and successfully set up the signature, the images in the signature do not appear automatically in some email clients due to security restrictions. Consequently, the signature seems broken, which spoils the impression of the company and the individual. Well…

It is even more challenging to equip an email signature used by several hundred employees in the company with an attractive banner that must be properly displayed in all types of email clients at multiple business partners. Ideally, different banner ads are displayed in emails from different departments in a certain period of time. And they are automatically replaced with new graphics at a specified time.

If you work as an IT manager who is in charge of optimizing the digital processes in your company, and you are supervised by an aspiring businessperson who wants to make the most out of their resources, we completely understand you. Even more!

We have a solution that prevents a disaster that could happen because of the above requirements. You can even inform your supervisor that you will turn all the employees into sales people overnight. And that is without anyone having to change their primary function or being forced to invest more time or effort into their work.

ProTip: If you would like to appear even more convincing, read the article Employees as sales people.

As an IT professional, you will take care of the entire optimization and turn every email in daily business communication into a sales opportunity. And it will take a lot less time than it did when you had to edit each and every email signature.

No coding. Just an easy-to-use email signature generator with user-friendly experience platform. Photo: iStock

AdSigner is the answer to the most frequent problems that IT managers face when setting up employee email signatures. We have resolved those issues to the most reasonable degree allowed by relatively demanding configuration in email clients. We have developed a user-friendly experience platform, an easy-to-use email signature generator, that provides for the most commonly used clients:

  • easy and fast set-up of email signatures for all company employees from a central platform,
  • seamless display of email signatures, including banner ads,
  • automatic banner replacement at specific times for specific employees or departments within the company,
  • automatic update of email signatures for all employees with just a few simple clicks.

Email signature generator. Reinvented. Meet AdSigner.

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