Create signature

To create a new signature:

  • Click Signatures in the menu bar.
  • Click Create template . Signatures use templates to determine their layout. Therefore, we advise to create and modify related template, before creating a new signature.
  • Enter emails of people who will be using the created signatures. > Click Continue.
  • Enter signature name. >
    Choose one or more Groups the new signature belongs to. Campaigns that target these groups will automatically apply to the signature. > Select the desired Template. Templates differ in a number and position of information fields contained within a signature. Find more about templates customization in the Templates section » . >
    Fill in the signature data. Leave fields empty if you want signature users to fill in their data themselves. Make sure that fields, that users can modify, are unlocked in Templates. Where adding images, you can use the Crop tool to resize, rotate or flip the image, add a filter or round corners. >
    Preview your new signature on the right side.
  • Select people you wish to send instructions with a link where they can fill out their data and insert a signature into their email client. > Click Create signature.

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